How to Select The Right Sunscreen

The weather is nice and, if you’re like most people, you’ll be spending a good bit of time outdoors now. From pool parties and barbecues to festivals and sightseeing, the number of activities significantly increases — as does your risk for developing skin cancer. In fact, one out of every five Americans will get skin cancer at some point […]

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How To Best Protect Your Skin This Summer

What can I do to protect my skin this summer? The easiest way to prevent skin cancer (and older, drier looking skin) is to avoid being in the sun during the peak hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when UV rays are strongest. An extra rule of thumb is the “shadow rule.” If your shadow is shorter than you are, the sun’s […]

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The Skin Surgery Centre’s Dr. Keith LeBlanc Named a Health Care Hero for 2017

For the second year in a row, the Skin Surgery Centre’s Dr. Keith LeBlanc, Jr has been selected as a New Orleans CityBusiness Health Care Heroes Honoree for 2017, again placing him among the top medical professionals in the Greater New Orleans area. Dr. LeBlanc, recognized for his work in providing state-of-the-art skin care to […]

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Misleading Report on Skin Cancer Screenings Causing Confusion — Here’s What To Do

On December 1st, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a misleading report on visual skin cancer screenings that is causing public confusion and may jeopardize skin health across the nation. The USPSTF has confusingly stated evidence was insufficient “to assess the balance of benefits and harms of using a whole-body skin examination by a primary […]

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8 Tips To Protect Your Skin this Flu Season

Skin surgeon and dermatologist Dr. Keith LeBlanc Jr., founder of The Skin Surgery Centre, has some professional tips for this incredibly active flu season. While the virus may take a toll on our bodies, it is possible for it to have less of an effect on our skin. Unfortunately, once you have the flu there is […]

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Around 3,200 People Suffered an Indoor Tanning Injury in the U.S.

Why around? Because many indoor tanning injuries go unreported. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently published results from a study conducted on the dangerous practice from those that were. They found that around 3,200 individuals suffered an indoor tanning injury of some type every year in the United States between 2003 and 2012. […]

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Skin Surgery Centre Performs 1,000th Cancer Procedure

“It has been a busy year. Over the last three decades, the number of cases of skin cancer has outnumbered new cases of all other cancers combined. Throughout 2014, it has been our mission to fight these growing numbers as well as educate the public on safe sun habits and advocate for new advancements in […]

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Sunscreen Innovation Act Is Now Law

Skin surgeon and dermatologist Dr. Keith LeBlanc Jr., and the team at The Skin Surgery Centre have had much to celebrate this year. They completed their 1,000th skin cancer procedure in the New Orleans area using Mohs micrographic surgery and can now claim one more victory: The passage of a bill that will enable new sunscreen […]

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Hugh Jackman: Skin Cancer Spokesman

Hugh Jackman is the Australian actor best known for his recurring role as the Wolverine in the X-Men films, Jean Valjean in Les Miserables and now as Vincent in the upcoming Chappie movie, However, he is quickly becoming the international face of skin cancer. He recently had his third basal cell carcinoma removed which was confirmed […]

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Top Dermatology Announcements Made in August

(NEW ORLEANS) — To help reduce the incidence of skin cancer in Louisiana, local skin surgeon and dermatologist Dr. Keith LeBlanc Jr. has prioritized several major announcements made this month from organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology and The Skin Cancer Foundation. Dr. Keith LeBlanc Jr., founder of Metairie based The Skin Surgery Centre, has condensed six of the top […]

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